For many years, growers have asked, “How do I get the best results”? The short answer: don’t kill the biology that feeds you. In production agriculture, many cultural practices can hinder the beneficial biology of the soil.
From old growth forests to the most productive cropland of the world, plant health is directly linked to a diverse community of organisms that inhabit the soil. With modern management practices, many beneficial species of the soil have been eliminated.
When the right set of organisms are present and performing their functions, both plant health and profitability soar.
Using biomass charcoal to enrich soil is at least a thousand years old.
Let’s take a look at what ancient people knew and how it can help us alleviate climate change, increase energy and crop production, and solve the ecological crisis that we face today.The natives of the Amazon basin were using BioChar technology when the first Spanish explorers first arrived. The whole concept of Slash and Burn is a relatively new one; but we humans used to be much smarter than that. At least we were back when the first Spaniards explored the Amazon Basin (which was like the Garden of Eden). That lush growth was based on Slash and Char, not Slash and Burn.
Use CharGrow BioGranules to increase the beneficial biology in your soil Buy Now
Today we know that Biomass Pyrolysis and the co-product of it’s energy production, biochar, can sequester carbon and in turn contribute to growing healthy crops. And now we can complete the cycle with each new growing season. The plants or trees capture carbon from the atmosphere. When they die, have to be removed, or are harvested, the crop residues can be used to produce energy that burns cleaner than propane. A wide range of biomass can be used; we could even begin to mine landfills for carbon. With the carbon based soil amendments that we can make from biochar we can now grow crops with less cost then before. Scientists all over the world are working on this.
With CharGrow BioGranules we now have a management tool that can rejuvenate the biodiversity of soils and replace the essential organisms that were lost.
If you are looking for the original biochar-based inoculant with 7 years of ground-breaking research, look no further. BioGranules is still made right here in the US and has continued its track record in transplant growing media (see results). As we have said in the past, it is our unique formulation and interaction with the biology of the soil that brings it all together – and in the end – it’s still, ALL ABOUT THE BIOLOGY (link).
We believe “Carbon Smart” agriculture is here to stay, and it will totally change the way crops are grown in the future. In many ways it already has.
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